Town Of Westmoreland
 Cemetery Directory 

Cemetery Directory

There are three active cemeteries in the Town of Westmoreland.


Westmoreland Union Cemetary is located on East Main Street. Bernard Szarek is the contact person for this cemetery. His address is 7446 East South Street , Clinton, New York 13323. His telephone number is 315-853-5901.


Evergreen Cemetery is located on West South Street,just past the intersection of Creaser Road. Please call Diane Hartnett, 853-6002, or Sharyn Herringshaw, 853-8781, for information . The mailing address is P.O. Box 274, Westmoreland, New York 13490. Mrs. Hartnett's e-mail address is


Lowell Cemetery is located on Boyd Road, just north of State Route 26. Please contact the Lowell Cemetery Association, C/O Daniel Reed, 6340 St. Rt. 26, Rome, New York, for additional information.